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Please kindly Notice
1.Import duties & Tax are not included
2.Please check with Customs whether tax will be charged in country before placing order. 3.Any value or item name can be delcared as you require as long as you leave us a message. Business is very hard. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation in advance.
For Mercedes-Benz X164 GL-Class 2010-2012
Return is not acceptable if your car is GL63 AMG, thank you.
(Please make sure the item 100% fit for your vehicle before your purchase. We would be appreciated if you can provide us your front car picture for double confirm.Because it is international shipping, both shipping fee and cost are expensive, it is to avoid unhappy shopping experience)
Part Type: Grille
Position: Main Upper
Installation: Replacement
Gives your vehicle a new style and appearance
Accentuates your vehicles overall look
A great upgrade for your vehicle
Provides better airflow to the radiator to help the cooling process better
Package Included:
1pc X Car Front Grille (Central Star is not include)